More than om: how to be more mindful in the workplace

When you think of the term ‘mindfulness,’ what does your mind conjure? Do you picture a person meditating at their desk? Walking through the hallways with a look of bliss? Speaking in peaceful tones to colleagues, wearing a serene smile?

These visions all might be a goal for you, but the reality of the workplace doesn’t always set that tone. You may not have the time in your day for loving-kindness meditation. You may not have the time for breathing exercises. You may not have the time to be thoughtful about your actions and words.

Mindfulness at work CAN be a set of rituals plugged into the schedule of your day, but it can also be your presence and how you work with others.

For a long time, I had a post-it note on my monitor that said “ONE THING AT A TIME.” Multi-tasking and being able to juggle many projects at once is often lauded. But is it a healthy way to work? Working on a single task at a time, checking and responding to emails only at various points of the day, and making a list of tasks you’d like to focus on in a given day are all ways you might be able to strive towards single-tasking.

Single-tasking also allows you to be present in the work you are doing. When you are present you are working with intent. When you aren’t thinking about your inbox, the pile of papers on your desk, the pings on your phone you’ll be amazed at how much better your work life can be. You can also start your day with the intent to be present. Maybe it’s a post-it note on your monitor. Maybe it’s a short meditation or breathing exercise with words that set your focus.

Being present also allows you to use your energy in a way that benefits your health and energy. Think about how you feel when two deadlines are approaching. Do you feel like you can’t focus on any of the tasks needed to match that deadline? Do you skip meals? Do you feel nervous and shaky? Now, think of how you might feel if you worked towards achieving one of those deadlines at a time. Take a deep breath. Find the first thing to accomplish. Find the next thing to accomplish. Move through your list with intent and purpose. You might be surprised when you consider how your energy feels AND how much gets done when you lose the frantic feelings.

Last month, we discussed how to take a moment to find joy in your work. Finding gratitude within yourself is equally important. Take a moment to thank your mind for allowing you to complete your day; to thank your senses for allowing you to experience your mission-driven work; to thank your colleagues for their support. How does it feel to say thank you, silently, for what you were able to do?

Taking time for you each day is crucial to your success and well-being. Give one or all of these a try and let us know how you are feeling.


Inaugural Challenge Lunch - January 21, 2022


With gratitude