With gratitude

Dear friends,

I wanted to use the MuseumTastic blog to write a letter of thanks. Whether I have reconnected with you or you are a new follower, I appreciate all of the support shown to MuseumTastic in month one!

Leaving a full-time position in the museum field with a great organization was not an easy decision to make. I feel incredibly fortunate to have a full-time job that has allowed me to take a pause. Because my heart is in museums, I also feel fortunate that I’ve had the chance to launch MuseumTastic.

Sharing my knowledge and resources in this dynamic field is something that I have always wanted to do but didn’t have the energy for, especially as I became a family woman. I look at this opportunity as more than a side gig – it’s a chance to stay engaged with some of my favorite people and places. It’s a chance to provide resources that might otherwise be unattainable due to budgets and time. It’s a way to provide support to a frazzled staff. It’s a way to indirectly make sure that history is shared and nonprofits can accomplish their mission.

I hope I have the chance to work with you on a professional basis. Even if I don’t, I hope that you find our emails inspiring and our social media a balance of resources and entertainment.

Wishing you and yours a festive and fulfilling holiday.

With gratitude,

Julie Arrison-Bishop


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