November Staff Highlight: Tina Jordan

Tina Jordan is the director at the Salem Witch Museum. Tina is a mama bear to her staff and a leader in the Greater Salem community. We’re grateful that she took a few moments to answer some questions for MuseumTastic after one of the busiest Haunted Happenings seasons on record.

Biggest Success

I’m really proud of the Salem Witch Museum team for how they have responded since we reopened on July 9, 2020. To do so, we needed to change our ticketing to an online system; modified the new second exhibit presentation (that was completed in February 2020) so that our staff could be safe; and upgraded multiple systems and training to protect our dedicated and fabulous staff. We have some outstanding suppliers who understood our challenges and help us adapt to the new normal.

Biggest Challenge

Hiring seasonal workers for October during a pandemic. It was hard to welcome new staff and work with visitors who aren’t always understanding about the measures the museum implemented for protection.

Favorite Haunted Happenings Memory

There are so many… but the one that stands out is on Halloween day when our staff dressed for the holiday. Everyone was excited to be in costume, and we were more playful than usual, and the visitors loved it and we loved the creativity of our visitors!

Best part about working in Salem

We have the most incredible organizations that work together; Destination Salem, Salem Main Streets, the Salem Chamber, Salem Partnership, Creative Collective to just name a few, as well as a collaborative museum community who help each other and share best practices during times of greatest challenge. I am so grateful to work in Salem.


With gratitude


Announcing: Challenge Lunches