Inaugural Challenge Lunch - January 21, 2022

Do you have an issue with social media? Are you having challenges training staff? Is there a disconnect on a policy creation process?

We’re here to circle the wagons and help you along! Our inaugural Challenge Lunch is scheduled for Friday, January 21 at noon. We’re looking for two things:

  1. Submit your challenge! We’ll be taking on one or two challenge at each of these sessions.

  2. Join us! If you don’t have a challenge to submit but want to lend your expertise, we’d love to have you online. You’re also welcome to RSVP for the networking and listening.

If our challenge lunches don’t work for you, consider some steps you can take to work through your challenges. Do you have a favorite social media and marketing person to follow and reach out to? Are you a member of COSTEP or a similar emergency preparedness organization? If you are a member of a professional association do you participate in message boards and take time to read the blogs?

MuseumTastic can also provide support for a wide variety of small projects and challenges in your museum or nonprofit. Our founder has nearly 15 years of experience in the field and access to a range of professional partners to call in for support.


Anything but an off-season


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