Get up from your desk

We’re excited about our monthly newsletter program. Of course, we want to partner with you small museum, historic site, and nonprofit on projects - but we also know what it’s like to be overworked, to have a full inbox, and to not be able to take a moment for yourself.

On the first of each month, we’ll be bringing our fantastic email followers the YouTastic segment. What is YouTastic? It’s YOU! Being fantastic, feeling fantastic, and taking fantastic care of yourself. In this industry, we’re constantly tasked to do more with less - but how can YOU do more with less in the tank?

In our November 1 newsletter, we’re challenging our friends and colleagues to GET UP FROM THE DESK. Walk away for five minutes. Do some stretches. Turn away from your screen. Fill up your water bottle. Get a cup of tea or coffee. Just get up!

Why is it important to get up?

  1. Reset: It’s so easy to get mired in the important work we do as museum and nonprofit leaders. It’s easy to let the minutes and hours slip away. Taking a few minutes allows your brain to reset and reframe the rest of your day.

  2. Recharge: Get that blood flowing to your legs and brain! Physical activity, even in small amounts, will make you more alert and feel recharged.

  3. Refuel: Did you refill your water bottle? Get a snack? GREAT! It’s important to fuel your body and mind throughout the day.

We’re also going to be doing monthly giveaways to our email followers. We’d love for you to join our list today - be YouTastic - be MuseumTastic!


Announcing: Challenge Lunches


Introducing MuseumTastic