Unlock the Power of AI for Marketing

In June, Julie attended a fantastic session presented by Rafael Barbosa of Center Cut Marketing about the power of using AI in marketing at Salem State University’s Enterprise Center. We’re going to share some of the great ways that you can use AI in your museum or nonprofit’s marketing plan – and beyond.

The session started with an overview of the basics of AI – what is it and how can you harness the power. If you’d like to get an idea of what this explanation looked like, log in to your ChatGPT account and ask it to “explain AI like you’re talking to a fifth grader.” This first prompt set the tone for the rest of the session.

The speaker encouraged all attendees to subscribe to GPT4, which costs about $20/month. Depending on how your organization might use AI, this might be $20 well spent. If you’re new to AI, we think the free version of ChatGPT works well and you can always upgrade.

The Power of the Prompt

The biggest takeaway from the session was learning about the POWER OF THE PROMPT. ChatGPT is not a search of the internet and doesn’t work like Google or Bing. In fact, its indexing power ends on 9/21/2021 – so you would not want to count on it for new information!

The focus of this training was AI and marketing. Rafael offered the following prompts to help your marketing-focused chat learn about your business or organization:

  • Start off chats with “ask me questions about my business,” or similar questions

    • It’s only as smart as you make it

    • Talk to it like a human or assistant (crucial because this is training to talk/think like a human)

  • Give it more information than you think that it needs – be very detailed in the prompt

    • “Prior to beginning, could you ask me questions about my brand/business/organizations”

    • “pretend you are a professional copywriter”

    • “pretend you are an expert” marketer, brand strategist, marketer

    • “ask me questions about my marketing strategy” then answer them for GPT and you’ll help with even more learning

  • I’m creating a blog series/website/campaign and I need help creating keywords that are relevant in my industry. Can you please list keywords relevant in the [blank] industry > Can you pick three of these keywords and a write me a blog post about [topic]. Let me know if you need more information before you start

Having a “human” conversation to build the chat to learn helps the system to learn and give better information. To keep your information organized, have one chat thread going for each topic area.

How to Build a Chat for Marketing

Using a variety of “super prompts,” Rafael showed the attendees how to build a marketing and social plan using ChatGPT.

Marketing Consultant Super Prompt 1: You are an expert [insert profession] with decades of experience managing diverse [business types]. You are also a seasoned marketer, brand strategist, and copywriter. You possess the ability to conceive, create, implement, and evaluate comprehensive marketing strategies tailored specifically for the [insert industry]. You will be consulting my company, [business name] which provides [value proposition – what do you do?] to [whom] in [locations]. To provide the most effective and tailored advice, I’d like you to start by asking questions about my business, brand, and any other factors that would be important for you to understand in order to consult me effectively.

Marketing Consultant Follow-Up Prompt: Now that you understand [business name], your role will be as my marketing consultant. Your first task involves creating a list of marketing strategies aimed at boosting sales. I should mention that I’m not a marketer and don’t understand some of the principles involved in marketing. So, I’ll need you to keep the concepts straightforward. Please don’t limit your ideas but do remember that I might need extra help understanding certain aspects. Now, please generate a list of marketing strategies suitable for [business name]. Make sure your list includes a diverse mix of initiatives – some that I’m currently implementing and introducing new marketing tactics I should adopt.

Social Media Prompts

  • With your knowledge of my business, I need your help with our social media accounts. Based on what you know about my business, could you please give me 10 ideas for social media posts regarding [insert topic].

  • Write out an Instagram video script that teaches about [insert topic]. Use the AIDA method and make it sound natural. Script should make a [insert desired length of time] video.

  • Write me a LinkedIn carousel about [insert topic]. Include both the written copy for the posts and titles, but also an idea for each image based on your knowledge of my company.

  • Craft a week’s worth of daily tweets to promote the launch of our new product [insert product/service name]. Each tweet should create excitement and anticipation and include a clear call to action. If you need more information about my product/service please ask.

  • Generate LinkedIn post copy to announce a new partnership with [insert company name]. The post should highlight the benefits of this partnership for our customers and our shared vision.

  • Write a series of Facebook updates about our upcoming charity event with [insert charity name]. Each post should build anticipation, inform about the cause, and encourage participation.

Email Marketing Prompts

  • Create an email to announce the launch of our new product [insert product/service name] which [insert what the product/service does]. The email should highlight the product’s features, explain its benefits, and persuade the reader to purchase. Include email copy, visual ideas, and a subject line.

  • Compose a monthly newsletter that updates subscribers on our latest [insert topic 1 – ie blog post], [insert topic 2], and our upcoming events [include events and their dates]. Include image ideas and clear calls to action for each section.

  • Craft an appreciation email for our loyal customers, offering them an exclusive discount as a token of our gratitude. The promotion will include [insert offer and fine print]. The tone should be [insert tone] and [inset second description of tone].

Website Copy Prompts

  • Craft a compelling headline and subheading for our homepage that communicates the unique value of our product/service [insert brief product/service description]. It has to be memorable and compelling.

  • Create an ‘About Us’ page copy that tells our brand story, mission, and values. Make it engaging and relatable to our target audience. Ask question is you need more information to enhance your efforts.

  • Compose a compelling landing page for our new [insert product/service description]. It should articulate benefits, address potential objections, and have a clear call to action.

Brand Tone

  • We’re trying to define the brand archtype for [insert brand name]. Please ask insightful questions that can help us pinpoint the brand’s unique personality traits, core values, and overall character to accurately identify its archetype.

Other AIs for Marketing

Unfortunately, there wasn’t time for a review of each of these tools, but the speaker offered these additional AI tools that can support marketing at any scale.


  • Jasper.ai

  • Anyword.com

  • Neutraltext.com

Image Creation

  • Images.ai

  • Midjourney.com

Graphic Design

  • Canva.com

LinkedIn Amplifier/Assistant

  • Taplio.com

Logo and Brand Creation

  • Brandmark.io

AI Website Builder

  • Durable.co

Human Avatar/VO

  • Synthesia.io

Screen Recorder (google extension)

  • Scribehow.com



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