The not-so-terrible twos

MuseumTastic turns two this month! We’re here to thank our clients, followers, and friends who have helped us hit this milestone.

The first thing we are grateful for is you – for trusting us with your special museum and nonprofit projects, for making our social media enjoyable, for participating in our giveaways, and even for reading this blog! Our drive comes from the great things YOU do!

We’re delighted to pushing 750 days in business. MuseumTastic is a dream come true for our founder. Julie Arrison-Bishop made the shift from full-time museum work into a corporate marketing role but knew there was no way that she could leave museums all together. Balancing the needs of a demanding marketing analytics role and family aren’t easy, but this is where our dedication to small projects fits perfectly! MuseumTastic WANTS the little projects that you need some extra support with. From social media audits to fundraising planning to collections support, we can help you tick things off your to do list with our range of affordable options for museums and nonprofits.

We’d love for you to check out our list of satisfied clients. In the past year, we’ve had the pleasure of continuing our fundraising strategy and grant support for The Pursuit of History/History Camp, We’re supporting the grant writing and project implementation for the Museum of Old Newbury Collections Assessment Project. We’ve helped the Lynn Museum and Oneida Community Mansion House with social media audits. We’re wrapping up an awesome public history project for Beverly Crossing and a history timeline for two websites - Destination Salem and Salem 400.

Our founder had opportunities to present at the 2022 New England Museum Association Conference and the 2023 Massachusetts History Conference. Julie is also in the process of wrapping up training to become a Heritage Responder for the state of Massachusetts. As important as it is to have supportive clients to keep us moving forward, it’s also important to share our collective experiences with the wider museum and nonprofit professions. We also think it’s important to give back to our clients and all of our contracts include a donation pledge to the organizations we work with. Plus, we love a good giveaway and have been so happy to make YOU happy with a treat in your mailbox!

We’re excited to see what our third year in business will bring. We’re always excited to explore affordable options with you to make your museum or nonprofit a better place. Our promise remains: No job is too small. We’re here to provide affordable options. Our goal for you is fantastic work!


Let’s go to Portland!


Retreat yourself