Setting up for success

Do you love checklists? Me, too. Not only does a good, old-fashioned to do list keep me on track, checking things off adds to a feeling of accomplishment and success.

Each week I set the following reminders in my calendar to help me stay focused:

REVIEW: Select three goals this week related to the business plan

Each week, I reconnect with my business plan, calendar, inbox, and to do list. I think about three high-level goals that I want to make progress on. Think of this as something high-level, versus the task below which should be small and attainable.

PLAN: one task to support three weekly goals related to the business plan

Every Monday and Wednesday I set up three tasks (very manageable number!) to accomplish. I make these more specific, such as completing a report, signing up for a lecture, or sending an email to a certain person I’ve been meaning to connect with.

READ AND POST: five valuable pieces of content on all of my major social media accounts

It’s not only important to always be learning and developing, it’s also important to make sure that your social media presence is a reflection of your talents, skills, and passions.

Discover blogs you like, social media accounts to follow, or mini-professional development sessions to attend. As you read and participate, share on your social media channels to help build you as an expert in the field. For example, I have a reading list for Museums, History & Preservation, Nonprofit Management, and Marketing & Social Media. Think of the “big” tasks that are a part of your job and find the right people to follow and learn from.

TRAINING: Find one short training session to watch/review each week

This kind of goes along with the point above, but gives you a moment to pause each week and do something to develop your skills – not just to inform you.


May Day! May Day!


Are you a good listener?