Policy Planning for your Museum or Nonprofit

Museums and nonprofits are ruled by their mission statements and governed by board of directors. Staff leaders take direction from both of these sources and manage daily operations, budgets, and policies.

Creating policies and processes for your museum and nonprofit are important ways to keep all stakeholders on the same page. A few examples of policies might include:

  • Human Resources

  • Social Media

  • Budget and Spending

  • Dress Codes

  • Collections (museum-specific)

Besides policies, a number of planning documents also may be in place to give direction:

  • Strategic Plan

  • Emergency Plan

  • Marketing Plan

Creating policies and plans can feel like a daunting task. Leadership need to account for their own wishes and direction for their organization and ensure that they are in line with how the board of directors govern. Even the best intentioned policy planning process can by stymied by constraints such as budget, time, and consensus-building.

MuseumTastic is here to help! MuseumTastic partners have been nonprofit policy creators in the many roles they’ve held. We can help you to create just about any core document you need! From collections care to graphic standards, we can make light work of best practices. We can support most parts of the process including creating a template for your organization to follow, facilitating meetings, and final text and project design.

Don’t let the daunting nature of policy planning hold your organization back.


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