Four Reasons Why Your Museum Should Invest in Marketing 

Marketing plays a pivotal role in the success and sustainability of cultural institutions and museums. In today’s competitive landscape, these institutions must engage in effective marketing strategies to attract visitors, secure funding, and fulfill their educational and cultural missions. In my last full-time role, I was fortunate to work with a director who saw marketing as an integrated part of the organization. From sharing stories about educational programming to promoting seasonal events, resources and a budget were dedicated to a program that allowed staff and a small team of consultants to better get the organization’s mission out to a wider audience. 

1. Driving Visitor Engagement and Attendance 

Marketing is essential for raising awareness and attracting visitors. Cultural institutions and museums house a wealth of knowledge, objects, and exhibits that can enrich the lives of individuals and communities. However, without effective marketing, many potential visitors may remain unaware of these opportunities. Marketing campaigns can highlight the unique experiences offered, from interactive exhibits to special events, drawing in diverse audiences. 

According to a report by the American Alliance of Museums, “80% of museum-goers say they are more likely to visit a museum if they hear about an interesting exhibit through friends, family, or social media” (American Alliance of Museums). This underscores the importance of leveraging social media, word-of-mouth, and other digital marketing tools to reach potential visitors. 

 2. Enhancing Educational Outreach 

Cultural institutions and museums often have strong educational components, offering programs and resources for students, educators, and lifelong learners. Marketing these educational opportunities is crucial for maximizing their impact. By promoting educational programs, institutions can reach schools, colleges, and educational organizations, thereby enhancing their role as centers of learning and cultural enrichment. 

For instance, the Smithsonian Institution has effectively used marketing to promote its vast array of educational resources. Smithsonian’s marketing strategies have expanded the reach of their programs, allowing more individuals to benefit from their educational offerings. 

3. Securing Funding

 Marketing also plays a critical role in securing funding and sponsorships. Many cultural institutions and museums rely on grants, donations, and sponsorships to fund their operations and special projects. A well-crafted marketing strategy can demonstrate the value and impact of the institution’s work, attracting potential donors and sponsors. 

As stated by the National Endowment for the Arts, “effective marketing can help cultural organizations build relationships with stakeholders, increase visibility, and ultimately secure the financial support needed to sustain their activities” (National Endowment for the Arts). Highlighting successful programs, community impact, and future plans through marketing materials can make a compelling case for support. 

4. Building Community Connections 

Cultural institutions and museums are integral parts of their communities. Marketing can help these institutions build and strengthen connections with their local communities by promoting events, collaborations, and community-focused initiatives. By engaging with the community through targeted marketing efforts, institutions can foster a sense of ownership and pride among residents, encouraging ongoing support and involvement. 

The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City has excelled in community engagement through marketing. MoMA’s initiatives, such as free admission days and local partnerships, are widely promoted and have helped to establish a strong bond with the community. 


Marketing is not a supplementary activity for cultural institutions and museums; it is a fundamental component of their strategy for success. By driving visitor engagement, enhancing educational outreach, securing funding, and building community connections, effective marketing ensures that these institutions can continue to preserve, educate, and inspire for generations to come. 

Long-term investment in marketing pays off. In a recent post from Know Your Own Bone, research showed that “organizations that maintained marketing investments during closures and business interruptions are driving positive market potential outcomes even as the rest of the industry regains strength.” The post also talked about the importance of viewing marketing as an investment, “this necessary investment – widely understood and proven as a necessity for engaging audiences by for-profit businesses – is still balked at by some cultural organizations. Too often, we observe cultural organizations who approach marketing as a cost rather than an investment critical for reaching market potential.” 

Marketing professionals within these institutions should focus on developing comprehensive strategies that leverage traditional and digital media, storytelling, and community engagement. As cultural institutions and museums continue to adapt to changing landscapes, effective marketing will remain a cornerstone of their ability to thrive and fulfill their mission

If you’re looking for museum marketing support, MuseumTastic can help! Our founder has an extensive background in content development, social media, and marketing analytics.


When Museum Professionals Take a "Busman's Holiday"