Let’s Get Physical

Many who work in museums and nonprofits are considered to be a “jack-of-all-trades.” It’s easy to thrive on the need to be connected to mission-driven work, but it can also be cause stress and anxieties to flare up.

At the beginning of each month, MuseumTastic focuses their eblast and social media to self-care topics for the busy nonprofit pro. Our founder, Julie Arrison-Bishop, spent nearly 15 years employed full-time in the field while taking on a number of volunteer roles in the community.

This month, even though winter is looming (whether that’s 24” of snow in Boston or iguanas falling from trees in Miami), we want to challenge you to learn a little more about the connections of physical movement and mental well-being. Here are a few suggestions from the Mayo Clinic for taking steps (pun intended!) towards a happier you:

How does physical movement support mental well-being?

  • Release of endorphins

  • Take your mind off your troubles

  • Helps a person to gain confidence

  • Gives you a positive coping mechanism

What are some ways you can get physical during the day?

  • Take a walk with a colleague

  • Set an alarm on your phone or computer to stand up every hour and stretch - and don’t ignore it!

  • Find a YouTube video with some “yoga for work” that you can do in 3-5 minutes

  • Bike or walk to work


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