2023 Goal Setting

It’s the time of year when the world falls in love…with goal setting for the new year! We’re here to offer you some inspiration to set up and stick with your professional goals in the new year!

1.      Pick 3-5 goals that you want to accomplish professionally

Your goals can be anything you want them to be! Do you want to improve your Excel skills? Learn about collections management? Be a better manager? Improve your public speaking ability? Find a new job? Take some time to think about what YOU want in 2023.

2.      Seek out professional development opportunities to build your skill set

There are some great ways to develop your skills with professional development. If your museum is part of AAM, NEMA, or another regional museum association, check out PAG (professional affiliation groups) in the area you want to grow. This is a great way to connect with pros and get resources. Another great, free way to build your skills is to follow professionals you respect via blogs and social media accounts. These are great places to pick up tips and tricks. Last, check out online classes through coursera or even your local university.

3.      Make a weekly task to help you inch towards your goals

It’s hard to keep your goals at the top of your to-do list. If you use an online calendar or task list, set up a weekly reminder at the start of your day on Monday to “make one task to support my professional goal.” It doesn’t need to be a time-consuming or complicated task, but it helps to know you’re making strides in what YOU want to accomplish each week.

4.      Talk to your leadership and/or mentor and ask for support with your goals

Who do you know and respect in the field? How can your leadership help? We know that not every leadership team is approachable, but we encourage you to share your professional goals with your leadership and/or mentor in your organization. They may have surprising ways to help you along!

5.      Connect with 3-5 new people on LinkedIn to grow your professional network

How many museum and nonprofit people do you know outside of your organization? If you’re not a conference regular, connect with a few people each week on LinkedIn and be sure to present some professional updates yourself. More and more, LinkedIn is a resource for hiring managers, job seekers, and those wishing to connect with people with like skills and talents. It’s a great place to make your professional knowledge shine!


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